OBITUARY Guitarist Interviewed In Montpellier (Video)
Metal Sickness conducted an interview with guitarist Trevor Peres of Florida-based death metallers OBITUARY on April 20, 2011 in Montpellier, France. You can now watch the chat below. OBITUARY last year parted ways with bassist Frank Watkins and replaced him with Terry Butler (SIX FEET UNDER, MASSACRE). Watkins has been a touring and recording member […]
METALLICA’s Halifax Concert Announcement Now Expected On Monday
May 6, 2011 by Rich Castle • Heavy Metal News Tags: Metallica • 0 Comments
According to Metro Halifax, METALLICA’s concert on the Garrisons Grounds of Citadel Hill in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on July 14 will be officially announced on Monday (May 9). A web site,, has been launched, with text reading “stay tuned” on the home page. What appears to be an image of the Town Clock […]