We are onto to a winner here. Neurosis has been around long enough to have gotten their creative ya-yas out long ago. A creative superforce, Neurosis has been churning out their brand of aggro-doom for years; long enough to have ceased needing to weird out to satisfy themselves and their audience. Now Neurosis are a streamlined Metal Sludge machine with the intensity odometer pinned firmly at 100. With a 30-year anniversary album just passed up as a major career yardstick, this 11th offering form Neurosis is a seething beast.
The album “Honor Found In Decay”, “Fires…”‘s predecessor sounds positively run-of-the-mill in comparison to the molten lava-like musical extractions on feature here. If this review is bursting with superlatives it is because Neurosis have a huge hit on their hands.
This one is going to the top of the charts, trust me!
“Fire Is The End Lesson” and “Broken Ground” positively stun, though that doesn’t mean the other three songs on this 40-minute platter are any less humongous.
Run, don’t walk, to get this.
Imagine a cement mixer, a machine that lays tar down on a street, and a very busy massive wood-chipper — all working in tandem to smash and smish everything down — in perfect harmony… ah, nevermind…
Buy or die, as they say.
– Rich Castle
Neurosis – Fires Within Fires – LP
September 22, 2016
The album “Honor Found In Decay”, “Fires…”‘s predecessor sounds positively run-of-the-mill in comparison to the molten lava-like musical extractions on feature here. If this review is bursting with superlatives it is because Neurosis have a huge hit on their hands.
This one is going to the top of the charts, trust me!
“Fire Is The End Lesson” and “Broken Ground” positively stun, though that doesn’t mean the other three songs on this 40-minute platter are any less humongous.
Run, don’t walk, to get this.
Imagine a cement mixer, a machine that lays tar down on a street, and a very busy massive wood-chipper — all working in tandem to smash and smish everything down — in perfect harmony… ah, nevermind…
Buy or die, as they say.
– Rich Castle