Rich Castle interviews Joe Hasselvander, the drummer of Raven. This exclusive, post-performance video interview was held backstage at Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn, New York, on September 18th, 2013. Also check out the Death Scream review of the show here.
Death Scream Magazine and Rich Castle Presents: An Interview with Joe Hasselvander of Raven [VIDEO]
September 24, 2013 by Rich Castle • Heavy Metal Interviews, Heavy Metal Videos Tags: backstage, brooklyn, Drummer, interview, Joe Hasselvander, Raven, Saint Vitus Bar, video • 0 Comments
Rich Castle interviews Joe Hasselvander, the drummer of Raven. This exclusive, post-performance video interview was held backstage at Saint Vitus Bar in Brooklyn, New York, on September 18th, 2013. Also check out the Death Scream review of the show here.