We are onto to a winner here. Neurosis has been around long enough to have gotten their creative ya-yas out long ago. A creative superforce, Neurosis has been churning out their brand of aggro-doom for years; long enough to have ceased needing to weird out to satisfy themselves and their audience. Now Neurosis are a […]
Neurosis – Fires Within Fires – LP
September 22, 2016 by Rich Castle • Reviews Tags: aggro-doom, Fires Within Fires, Heavy Metal, Metal Sludge, Neurosis • 0 Comments
We are onto to a winner here. Neurosis has been around long enough to have gotten their creative ya-yas out long ago. A creative superforce, Neurosis has been churning out their brand of aggro-doom for years; long enough to have ceased needing to weird out to satisfy themselves and their audience. Now Neurosis are a […]