Gene Hoglan, born Eugene Victor Hoglan II on August 31, 1967, in Dallas, Texas, is a highly acclaimed and influential drummer in the world of heavy metal. Known for his exceptional technical skills, speed, and versatility, Hoglan has earned a reputation as one of the most accomplished and respected drummers in the genre.Hoglan’s passion for […]
Gene Hoglan Bio
August 19, 2023 by admin • Bios Tags: BIO, Dark Angel, Death, Dethklok, Drummer, drums, Fear Factory, Gene Hoglan, Heavy Metal, Strapping Young Lad, Testament • 0 Comments
Gene Hoglan, born Eugene Victor Hoglan II on August 31, 1967, in Dallas, Texas, is a highly acclaimed and influential drummer in the world of heavy metal. Known for his exceptional technical skills, speed, and versatility, Hoglan has earned a reputation as one of the most accomplished and respected drummers in the genre.Hoglan’s passion for […]